From Vulnerable to Viable: Enhancing Your WordPress Security Posture

Ben’s presentation is an essential guide for anyone operating in the digital realm of WordPress, offering a deep dive into the world WordPress security and malware.

He’ll start by shedding light on common security risks, including prevalent forms of malware and recent trends within the threat landscape. Ben will be sure to focus on actionable solutions and practical measures that website owners can take to enhance their WordPress security posture. Ben will detail both fundamental precautions and advanced measures, each aimed at transforming your site from an easy target to a digital fortress.

Join us as we take a look at the world of WordPress security and discuss practical, implementable strategies that will help you build a resilient WordPress site in an ever-evolving threat landscape. Whether you’re a WordPress beginner or an experienced developer, you’ll come away with valuable insights and tools to protect your site against the sophisticated malware threats of today and tomorrow.

Ben Martin

Success Story: Building, Growing and Sustaining WordPress Community in Nepal

Bibek shall be sharing how WordPress community was built in a small South Asian country; Nepal back in mid to late 2000s, what made WordPress Nepal a successful community of IT professionals, how this strong sense of community helped professionals take charge and act as community leaders in managing regular WordCamp events and meetups in major cities of Nepal. Even with limited access to technology being from the global south, Nepal is a great example of how businesses can grow exponentially in the technology sector with strong collaborations and sustainable effort from within the community. 

Bibek Sapkota

Fighting Your Own Demons: How to Deal With All Your WordPress Problems At Once

In the process of building a WordPress site, we will encounter many types of problems. Some of them will be technical, such as when your site appears to be totally borked. Some of them will be interpersonal, like when your client or your developer just don’t seem to understand what you want. This talk will address how to troubleshoot any and all of these issues, and slay all your WordPress-related demons in one fell swoop.

Kirsten Starcher

Breaking Language Barriers with Multilingual Sites

Building a multilingual website with WordPress opens up a world of possibilities, allowing you to reach a broader audience and engage with visitors from diverse linguistic backgrounds. In this talk, we’ll delve into the process of creating a multilingual site using plugins, highlighting benefits and discussing essential considerations for a successful implementation.

Lois Chan-Pedley

Accessible Websites Benefit Everyone

Inclusion is just one of the reasons why accessibility should matter to all, but has it ever occurred to you that not all disabilities are permanent? Some are temporary or situational. So it stands to reason that everyone will be affected by a disability while navigating the web at some point. Making choices to improve the accessibility of your website will enhance the overall user experience for everyone. In this talk, receive real-life, relatable examples of how website accessibility affects user experience. Afterward, you will have a clear understanding of the importance of ensuring your website meets accessibility guidelines and how doing so benefits all of your users and your business.

Christina Workman